Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Business Statistics - Measures of Dispersion (Formulas)


Measures of Dispersion



A measure of dispersion is designed to state numerically the extent to which individual observations vary around the average. There are several measures of dispersion under the two broad categories as follows:

A.       Absolute Measures:

1.       Range,

2.       Quartile Deviation

        (Also known as 'Semi-Interquartile Range')

3.       Mean Deviation About Mean,

4.       Mean Deviation About Median, and

5.       Standard Deviation.


B.       Relative Measures:

1.       Coefficient of Range

2.       Coefficient of Quartile Deviation,

3.       Coefficient of M.D. About Mean,

4.       Coefficient of M.D. About Median, and

5.       Coefficient of Variation.


Note: Mean Deviation (M.D.) is usually calculated about arithmetic mean, and hence if it’s only ‘Mean Deviation’, it refers to M.D. About Mean only.





1.           Range

= Largest Value (L) – Smallest Value (S)

2.           Coefficient of Range

= [(L – S) ÷ (L + S)] × 100

3.           Quartile Deviation = ½ (Q3 – Q1)

4.          Coefficient of Quartile Deviation (1st Formula)

= [(Q3 – Q1) ÷ (Q3 + Q1)] × 100

5.          Coefficient of Quartile Deviation (2nd Formula)

= [Quartile Deviation ÷ Median) × 100

6.          Mean Deviation About Mean (For Simple Distribution)

= [∑Mod (xi – Mean)] ÷ n

7.           Mean Deviation About Mean (For Frequency Distribution)

= [∑fi {Mod (xi – Mean)}] ÷ ∑fi

8.     Mean Deviation About Median (For Simple Distribution)

= [∑Mod (xi – Median)] ÷ n

9.   Mean Deviation About Median (For Frequency Distribution)

= [∑fi {Mod (xi – Median)}] ÷ ∑fi

10.      Coefficient of M.D. About Mean

= [M.D. About Mean ÷ Mean] × 100

11.      Coefficient of M.D. About Median

= [M.D. About Median ÷ Median] × 100


Standard Deviation


12.      For Simple Distribution (1st Formula)

= √ [∑ {(xi – Mean) ^2} ÷ n]

13.      For Simple Distribution (2nd Formula)

= √ [{∑ (xi^2) ÷ n} – {(∑xi ÷ n) ^2}]

14. For Simple Distribution (3rd Formula – Short-Cut Method)

= √ [{∑ (di^2) ÷ n} – {(∑di ÷ n) ^2}]

[Here, di = xi – A; A = Assumed Mean (as near as possible to the true mean)]

15.     For Simple Distribution (4th Formula – Step-Deviation Method)

= √ [{∑ (Di^2) ÷ n} – {(∑Di ÷ n) ^2}] × c

[Here, Di = (xi – A)/c; A = Assumed Mean (as near as possible to the true mean); c = Common factor]

16.      For Frequency Distribution (1st Formula)

= √ [∑ {fi (xi – Mean) ^2} ÷ ∑fi]

17.      For Frequency Distribution (2nd Formula)

= √ [{∑fi (xi^2) ÷ ∑fi} – {(∑fixi ÷ ∑fi) ^2}]

18.      For Frequency Distribution (3rd Formula – Short-Cut Method)

= √ [{∑fi (di^2) ÷ ∑fi} – {(∑fidi ÷ ∑fi) ^2}]

[Here, di = xi – A; A = Assumed Mean (value of that observation or that mid-value which has the highest frequency)]

19.      For Frequency Distribution (4th Formula – Step-Deviation Method)

= √ [{∑fi (Di^2) ÷ ∑fi} – {(∑fiDi ÷ ∑fi) ^2}] × c

[Here, Di = (xi – A)/c; A = Assumed Mean (value of that observation or that mid-value which has the highest frequency); c = Common factor or common width]

20.       Coefficient of Variation (i.e. Coefficient of SD)

        = (SD ÷ AM) × 100

21.       Variance = SD^2


Important note:

Formula of SD for simple frequency distribution and grouped frequency distribution under all the above four methods are same. Only thing to be remembered is that in case of grouped frequency distribution xi will be the mid-values of the class intervals.

Important Properties of Standard Deviation


1.       If y = x ± c where 'c' is a constant,

SD of y = SD of x

i.e. σy = σx

2.       If x = c + dy where 'c' and 'd' are constants,

σx = (Mod 'd') × σy

3.       √ [1/n∑ (xi – Mean of x) ^2] ≤ √ [1/n∑ (xi – A) ^2] whatever be the value of A.


SD of Composite Group

Composite SD

= √ [(N1σ1^2 + N2σ2^2 + N1d1^2 + N2d2^2) ÷ (N1 + N2)]



xi = Observations of Group 1

yi = Observations of Group 2

d1 = Mean of Group 1 – Composite Mean

d2 = Mean of Group 2 – Composite Mean

σ1 = SD of Group 1

σ2 = SD of Group 2

Composite mean = [(∑fx) + (∑fy)]/ (N1 + N2)

= [(N1*Mean of x) + (N2*Mean of y)]/ (N1 + N2)

n1 = Total number of observations of Group- 1

n2 = Total number of observations of Group- 2

N1 = Total frequency of Group- 1

N2 = Total frequency of Group- 2]

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